Dr. Jian Zhang is currently a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, working with Prof. Yang Liu. Before that, he was a Ph.D student under the supervision of Prof. Xudong Liu, and obtained his Ph.D degree in Computer Science from Beihang University. He also received the B.S degree from Beihang University. His research interests mainly focus on Intelligent Software Engineering, particularly using Deep Learning techniques for Source Code Maintenance to improve software quality and security.


  •   Aug 2024: Our paper “VulAdvisor: Natural Language Suggestion Generation for Software Vulnerability Repair” is accepted to ASE 2024.
  •   Jul 2024: Our three papers on “Python Type Inference”, “Automated Program Repair”, and “Smart Contract Auditing” are accepted to ICSE 2025. Congrats to all the co-authors!
  •   Jul 2024: Our paper “PatchFinder: A Two-Phase Approach to Security Patch Tracing for Disclosed Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Software” is accepted to ISSTA 2024. Congrats to Kaixuan!
  •   Mar 2024: I am hornored to serve as a PC Member of the APSEC ERA - Early Research Achievements-track!
  •   Feb 2024: Our paper “Historical Embedding-Guided Efficient Large-Scale Federated Graph Learning” is accepted to SIGMOD 2024. Congrats to Anran!
  •   Feb 2024: I am hornored to serve as a PC Member of the 40th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2024)!
  •   Jan 2024: Our paper “BadEdit: Backdooring Large Language Models by Model Editing” is accepted to ICLR 2024. Congrats to Yanzhou!
  • Dec 2023: Our paper “An Empirical Study on Noisy Label Learning for Program Understanding” is accepted to ICSE 2024. Congrats to Wenhan!
  • Dec 2023: I am hornored to serve as a PC Member of the First International Workshop on Large Language Models for Code (LLM4Code)!
  • Nov 2023: I am deeply honored to join the Program Committee of ASE 2024! I encourage SE researchers to submit high-quality papers and contribute to this top-tier conference!
  • Sep 2023: Our paper “An Empirical Study on Fine-tuning Large Language Models of Code for Automated Program Repair” has received ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award in ASE 2023.
  • Aug 2023: Our paper “RUNNER: Responsible UNfair NEuron Repair for Enhancing Deep Neural Network Fairness” is accepted to ICSE 2024.
  • Jul 2023: Our two papers “Learning to Locate and Describe Vulnerabilities” and “An Empirical Study on Fine-tuning Large Language Models of Code for Automated Program Repair” are accepted to ASE 2023.
  • May 2023: Our paper “Detecting Condition-Related Bugs with Control Flow Graph Neural Network” is accepted to ISSTA 2023.